Have you ever thought what job your rabbit would do if they actually worked for a living? We asked our facebook followers ‘If your bunny had a job, what would they do?’ And here are their replies, to which we think any bunny parent can relate to. This hilarious list of jobs clearly sums up bunnies and their brilliant personalities.
Quality Control
Green Grocer
Celebrity actor or Model with a diva attitude
Demolition expert
Food tester
Magician… he disappears quickly!
Construction worker
Food critic
A wire tester….especially phone chargers!
The boss!
Home improvement expert
Wallpaper stripper
Official paper shredder
Forman – he has to supervise everything I do!
A judge
Interior decorator
Top hat + monocle wearing millionaire. Do nothing all day and be served!
Treat taster
Basket weaver in reverse
Military commander
A meditation guru
Unemployed and unabashedly accepting handouts
Chief tunnel engineer
Banana quality checker
Security or bouncer!
Drama Queen
Private eye – he’s SO nosy!!
Cable cutter
Prime minster ….. and in the current state he would do a better job!!
Apple seller
Mattress tester
Caring or counselling role as they are very good at listening
Confidential waste disposal (shredding paper and books)
Ruler of the world
Interior designer
Prison Warden
Professional stomper
Private investigator – watches everything very smart and does not forget anything !!!
Professional napper
Professional pooper
Lazy freeloader
Bossy manager
Tree surgeon
An Inspector – always checks on whatever you are doing!
Professional veggie tester
Spider web cleaner
Law enforcement
Quality controller in a rabbit treat factory!
Wood chipper
A bouncer – likes to vet the doors!
Gossip writer – they are so curious!
Escape artist
Window cleaner
On the dole
Supervisor – they love to be in charge!!
A tax collector – they can be so grumpy – payment in treats!
Why would they want to get a job? They live rent free, food served up and their only chore to help around the home is mowing the lawn & that’s only done in bits!